Tuesday, September 18, 2012

status - crummy

My father has fallen five times in the last four days.  He falls out of bed.  He falls in the living room.  He falls trying to go to the bathroom.  Yesterday he had a bowel movement while sitting on the living room couch.    Last night he fell out of bed on the dresser side, and Mom couldn't get him up because he got wedged under the bed.  She had to wait until Patricia, the night nurse, got there.  My mom can't so much as go to the bathroom without being afraid he will fall while she is in there.  It's worse than having an infant.  You can't tie him down.  You can't even keep him in the hospital bed because he knows enough about what is going on to refuse.

This cannot continue.  It's only a matter of time before something bad happens with all this falling.  Or maybe something good happens.  I don't know.  Maybe this is how he will go.  Maybe this is how it was going to be all along.

I am supposed to be scheduling a visit for two weeks from now.  I can't bring myself to because I don't think it will be two weeks.  But what if it is?


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