Wednesday, February 22, 2006

lunchtime discussion

Very behind in my writing this week, but I thought I'd just throw this one out there because it's funny and sweet...

I'm sitting at my desk, having just had an interesting "discussion" with my daughter! I was eating lunch, and I noticed that every time I leaned forward to take a bite, she started squirming alot. Then when I straightened or leaned back, she'd quiet down again. I tried it a couple more times, just to see if there really was a pattern, and there definitely was! Just like she was telling me to straighten up mommy! Finally finished, after one last long time forward, and afterwards she squirmed for awhile and now is slowly settling down again, with various assorted thumps and pokes, like she's reminding me not to do that anymore. I'm sure I'm attributing all sorts of characteristics to her that aren't really true, but she sure seems to have a personality already. And some spunk!


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