Monday, February 27, 2006

words of thanks

Reading back on some of the blogs this month, I realize I owe some big (large, HUGE) thanks to two people. First, to Bethany, who first supports me through my loooooooong emails about all these new things, and laughs with me, and cheers for me, and shares her own smiling stories with me (including the ever-present food stories, since she's expecting too) so I know I'm not alone or completely loony.

Also, as I read back on the "stuff" email, I realize that having my sister Kelly come with me to create the baby registry was such an enourmous help. I thought it would be fun, but turns out it she was more like my mentor. Even though they give you lists, and even though I had carefully written my own list, just walking in the door of the Babies-R-Us can be overwhelming, and then having to walk the aisles and figure out how your lists match all the stuff might very well have sent me running again. I like to think that common sense and my normally healthy courage would have prevailed eventually, but having her there to help me and suggest things (or explain why she liked certain things) made it more real again and manageable. The biggest example that comes to mind is with the car seat/travel systems. I had done a bunch of research and knew what type of thing I wanted, but actually being there with rows of car seats and strollers and systems and buggies and every variation - I literally couldn't immediately connect all I'd read with what I was seeing. But she helped guide me, and pretty soon we were happily bashing the sheep-covered laura ashley's and folding and unfolding the more practical ones. It turned out, when I went back to the store this weekend with Glen to show him what we'd registered for, I was able to show him a thing or two! I'm sure eventually I would have gotten there, but I really owe her for making it a much more fun experience, including occasional moments of misty eyes and all, just like it should be.

So thanks.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Wish I could be more helpful on this. After all, it's been 21 years since the LAST time I bought baby goodies.
I'm WAITING to be grandma (yeah, sometime in my NEXT life at the rate the kids are going) and THEN, I'll tap YOU to find out what's still good by way of child safety.

I DID see a new goodie on HGTV last night, however, in which you might have an interest. It's a replacement outlet that has a device built in that won't let ANYTHING in except plugs (no kid toys, pointy objects, or husband's screw driver!).... SHOULD be coming to baby stores (and perhaps even the local Home Depot) soon!!!

That's it for me......

The self-designated honorary aunt in Ellicott City MD

6:11 AM  

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