Thursday, April 20, 2006

good check

Just a quick report... Had a good checkup with the doc yesterday, complete with what should be the final ultrasound. Amazing to think of the original "picture" we had where she was like an inch long, and now you can't possibly see all of her at once on the ultrasound. Doc says everything looks good - she's in the right position (head down), has plenty of fluid to swim in still, and clearly is a very beautiful and intelligent baby. It wasn't a very long peek and not on a real high-definition machine, but we did get to see her yawn and stick her tongue out. So cute! Glen was there too, which I love, so he got to witness himself why she gets the hiccups all the time... We also finally got confirmation that the hard lump we feel all the time up above my belly button is in fact her bony rump. She'll spend the next few weeks gaining about half a pound a week - does that mean the lump won't be so hard anymore? We'll see! Doc also said she's actually on the large side (although completely within average), so I say fooey to all those worriers who frowned on my measly one caffeine drink a day! Clearly it did NOT result in low birthweight as predicted! In fact, he says if I give birth at 38 weeks, she'd probably be about 8 pounds. Maybe I should consider more than one caffeine drink a day?... :) Yikes!


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