Thursday, April 13, 2006

Bumps in the road

Reading back over the last few entries, I don't want to give the impression that nothing is ever wrong or difficult in our world. Hopefully some day when our daughter reads this, it will help her too, so she can enjoy this experience as much as I have and not let the bumps and scary spots affect her too much.

At 32 weeks now, things are definitely getting a bit less comfortable. I've grown again, noticed my balance is really starting to change, and for the first time really feel like I'm starting to gain weight in other places - particularly in my face and hands. Could be that I'm retaining water, but I feel like I'm drinking gallons of everything a day, so who knows. What I do know is my engagement ring no longer fits, which makes me very sad and I hate the idea of being parted from it, so I've started wearing it on a chain around my neck. Next to go seems likely to be the wedding ring. That idea makes me just want to cry too, so if it does have to go, I'll probably ask Glen to find me a simple band a few sizes bigger. Just seems like at this moment in our lives, the last thing I want to give up is a symbol of our love and family!

My feet have started swelling a bit too, so some of my shoes are less comfortable now. People keep telling me I should give up my high heeled black boots, but they are my favorite thing to wear and still make me feel sexy, so we'll hold onto those until my feet are the ones telling me to stop! Admittedly, I do have to sit down these days to get them on and off, but once on they're still OK... Heck, I have to sit down to put on socks these days of any kind, and even have to prop my legs up to dry them off after the shower! Bending at the middle is a long-lost idea, just wondering if I'll have to ask Glen for help by the end or if we'll make it through the home stretch with a shred of independence left. Smiling either way... :)

The last few weeks I've also noticed I get alot more tired and forgetful. I've definitely slowed down, and I'm not quite up to my fast, swinging stride anymore. A nice even stroll does just fine! That's OK, though, because there are so many things to see these days - spring is here, everything is peeking up or budding or outright blooming - seems like the perfect time of year to have a baby! Makes me want to go back and read The Secret Garden too. I actually can't wait to be at home, watching the summer from my own yard. This time last year I had my surgery, and while recovering wasn't all that fun, I discovered it was the best time of the year to be at home. We get lots of birds and small wild critters around, and I'll get to see all the new things we've planted come up... Not a bad way to spend a day! Anyway, tired and new aches and pains seem to be rule for this last trimester. The other day I was having so much pain in my lower belly when I walked - I slowed down to like 90-yr-old woman pace, but nothing seemed to help. Didn't even have the energy to stop for hot chocolate! Now THAT"S a bad sign! I actually called the doc, which is rare for me, but he was reassuring that nothing was wrong, she just probably had some body part pressed against a nerve or a tendon. He was sympathetic, but the bottom line is basically rest, take some tylenol, and welcome to third trimester! But through it all I could still feel her moving and rambling around inside, so even with the pain I never really lost that feeling of everything being well. Just have to keep on trusting - my own body and God - and we'll get there! For once I'm being patient, just letting her grow in there. I don't feel like she's ready yet (and of course by medical science standards she's got several weeks), so content to wait and let things go as they will. Thankfully I haven't reached a point of just wanting this to be done yet, though everyone tells me that will come. I'm still enjoying this too much to want to stop! Just this morning we sang and "danced" our way to work (hence the Sinatra song in the entry below). Honestly, I think it will be strange and maybe a bit lonely to not feel her inside me, but hopefully that will be totally countered by having her in my arms!


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