Wednesday, April 19, 2006

stress, stress, stress

So, this week so far has been very stressful at work. Crazy issues popping up, staff absent, other managers absent and trying to pick up their duties too... We have a high-visibility project we're running, and there are all kinds of problems with that. All in all, probably more stressed this week than I have been in awhile. At home, too, there's alot going on. We have multiple contractors this week doing work on the house, trying to coordinate au pair interviews and baby classes and doctor's appointments... Seems like so long ago that this would barely have been a nlip on the radar of daily life, but I definitely notice I am more tired and not as equippped to handle these things as usual. Sleep has also been more difficult, probably because all my muscles are responding to the stress! (Well, that, and up to two trips to the bathroom at night now... The good news there being I can practically do it in my sleep by now!)

Anyway, the interesting thing is listening to how my body and the baby respond to all this. I've noticed pretty clearly that she's much quieter when I'm at my most stressed, almost like she knows and is, well, not hiding, but keeping safe in there? She still responds to food and my touch, but not so much movement by herself. But when I realize how knotted up I'm getting and make an effort to relax, it's like she wakes up with me! Especially if I play some music and start singing - she's right there dancing with me. It's really kindof amazing, even moment to moment how that happens. Talk about a serious feedback loop! A very clear reminder that stress does have big effects on the body, which means both me and her now, and a huge reason to let it all go. I've also noticed that every bit of stress in my body now goes straight to my belly - not my shoulders, not my eck - right under the belly where it gets tight and sore and makes walking hurt. I've even gotten some rougher braxton-hicks contractions that way. Again, though, as soon as I start getting myself to relax, those muscles unwind too. Not pleasant at all! Hence, here I am, thinking of her and this instead of running around through my lunch hour as I've done for the past two days. And, completely looking forward to our doc appt this afternoon, where we get to see her on ultrasound again. Instead of worrying about what I have to do up till that time, like I was, now happily anticipating - and rewarded by her happy thumps! Really, in the end, what could be more important than that?


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