Tuesday, April 22, 2008

News and prayers

What I find most often happening these days when I watch the news is prayer. There are so many terrible thing out there! Abuse, kids beating up kids for YouTube, violence in schools, accusations, shootings, anger. It seems to be all around us these days, so sometimes I wonder what kind of world we have brought our daughters into. And so as I watch I find myself praying, almost a desperate chant sometimes. "Dear Lord, please let my daughters grow up safe, let them not be harmed by these things, let them not suffer, or only suffer as much as they can bear, lift them up andgive them the strength abd the character to endure only as much as they can, or as much as it takes to make them better people. Let them not be the victims of these things, and let them not be the ones who harm others. Let their father and I be good guides to them, to raise them to be good people and loving to others. And most of all, please don't let something happen to us that sends them into the system, to be tossed about like so many of these children. Let them always know our love and support and family. Be their rock and love them too, Lord, and guard them always. Amen."


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