Future president or social misfit?
So, it's Halloween. (Or Harvest Day for those who are more polictically correct than me.) Daycare had a little parade and music party for the kids. Thinking to be a great parent, I show up half an hour early to help get Emma in her costume. The teachers were super organized though, and all the kids were already dressed and anxious to go outside. Emma and a few other kids come to play, and then it's time to go outside, whereupon my beautiful baby starts screaming. She wants to go outside, but doesn't want to be in the buggy with everyone because I'm there. Fair enough, so I am carrying her around now. Finally the parade starts, but Emma really has no interest. She occasionally stops to watch some of the bigger kids, or tries to follow them, but mostly she wants to climb on the fountain and run around by herself. She definitely does not want to be with her class, even though almost every other child is laughing and clapping and sing songing. The music show starts, and though she watches from my lap briefly and dances with me for a bit, she really wants to go on the slide. Or she wants to get right up in the middle of the big kids and watch them again, only she's scared a bit because they are totally jumping around. (It looked like a miniature mosh pit, only with more colors.) We spend the rest of the music time either angry at me because I won't let her on the big kids slide (nor will the other teachers) or happily rearranging the pumpkins in the yard. So the question is, future president or social misfit? She seemed very happy by herself, and wasn't even really paying attention to me either. There was one other girl, also in her class, doing more or less the same thing. (I wouldn't quite say they were playing together because toddlers don't really play together so much, but they were playing the same game carrying the pumpkins.) Both of us moms were just looking at each other, wondering is it us? Are our children odd or just leaders? Probably another area for over-analysis and ridiculous misgivings. Some of the other kids were looking a bit stressed by all the excitement, so maybe it was just too much stimulation. And Emma and the other girl were both running around when other kids were in the buggy, so maybe the question should be: future president, social misfit, or just hungry munchkin?
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