poem April 7 We Did Not Die
I think there might be more to add to this one before the end, but here is a first run...
We Did Not Die
We did not die
we stayed in our homes
on our couches
on our chairs
on our porches and balconies and gardens
we watched TV
and we read books
and we played games
and we watered our plants
and we took walks
and we loved our pets
and we did not die
We watched the news and we were scared
we stopped watching the news because we were scared
we binge watched series
and recommended movies
and shared clips
and watched netflix while face timing
and played internet games with each other
and took zoom meetings
and we did not die
We missed each other
we missed being able to see smiles
we missed sharing hands
we missed hugs
we missed meals together
we missed celebrations together
we missed dancing together
we missed winks and little touches
we missed sitting shoulder to shoulder
we missed the way we smell
we missed breathing together
we missed silence
and we did not die
We chatted daily
and looked each other in the eye
and got to know each other differently
and got to know each there’s pets
and got to know who was a cleaner
and who was a fixer
and who was a teacher
and who was a reader
and who was a poet
and who was crafty
and who was a baker
and who was willing to try
and who was ok with alone
and who was not ok with alone
and we reached out
and we did not die
We stayed home because they told us to
we stayed home because it was the right thing to do
we stayed home to help the ones we love
we stayed home to help the ones who were loving the ones we love
we stayed home because it was the best thing we could do to help
we stayed home because it was the only thing we could do to help
we stayed home because we were afraid for ourselves
we stayed home because we were afraid for each other
we stayed home because we were afraid
and some days we were brave
and we went to the grocery store or the pharmacy
and some days we were brave
and we got takeout
and emptied it onto our own plates
and waved to delivery people through windows
and some days we were afraid
and we did not
and some days we went out to help others
and we did not die.
We loved
because there was no reason not to
because everyone became the same
because everyone became less important
and more important
we huddled together as best we could
waiting together for the day
when we could be together
and we lived
and we did not die
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