Wednesday, September 27, 2006

First day of the season...

Yeah!!! Today is the first day of the season... Boots season! Have I mentioned how much I love boots? Today I am wearing my "signature" outfit: black boots, my favorite grey skirt, and a brand new black sweater from Ann Taylor. (The sweater could be any sweater, really, as long as it's black and from Ann Taylor. I collect them like black shoes - a girl can never have too many!) My outfit today makes me feel deliciously skinny and sexy (not scrawny). I am standing up taller and just feel plain old good. For the moment, banishment of the dead zombie mommy. If I could just figure a day to get my hair done, everything would be pretty darn close to perfect. Maybe next week.

Of course, all this gushiness could be due to the fact that I got lots of sleep last night! Thank God, a night of sweet blissful peace. Emma crashed HARD on my lap at about 7:30 after a fun evening of talking and playing with daddy (I actually left them sleeping together on the bed at one point while I made dinner. That was a nice change too - no Emma crying because I have chicken or shrimp on my fingers and can't pick her up. How does she know the exact moment when I get something on my hands? She's fine till then...) Anyway, Emma fell asleep on my lap after a good long nursing. Not just asleep, but out cold, limbs all limp and flung everywhere, head falling back and mouth open. She did everything but snore, my precious little munchkin! When I took her upstairs later, she woke up enough while I was putting on her pajamas to grab my hands. She wouldn't let go till I looked at her beautiful eyes, and she smiled this huge huge smile that makes the world stand still every time. She giggled through the rest of changing, and her warm weight in my arms as I rocked and nursed her to sleep was as sweet as could be. I wonder if God ever feels this way when we smile at Him? When we finally stop struggling and fussing and look at Him with such love in our eyes, and it's all worth it again...


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