Living in Joy
I've missed writing about all the changes in Emma. These past few months she's grown so much! Not really in size, but in shape and personality and skills. She can crawl and pull herself up to stand and cruise around the walls and furniture on her own. She loves to crawl a bit away, stop, turn and sit up for a minute and smile at me, screech cheerfully, and continue crawling. Such a grin! Hey mommy, look at me! It all happens so fast! One day she could barely pull up, now she can get up using a wall or any handy object. One day she could barely crawl, now she's climbing over my legs and other low obstacles. Yesterday for the first time she climbed through the rungs of a chair. Each new little achievement brings such a grin and waving of her little hands. She peers up at me through the fringe of her long hair, and I swear her first words will be "I love you." Now when I leave her at daycare she crawls away, or sometimes they plop her in a walker and off she goes, bumping into everything and correcting. When I pick her up she screeches again, and when they hand her to me she wraps her arms around my nexk and sticks her wide open mouth against my cheek in her version of a kiss. (OK, so occasionally if she's hungry I get a little nip too, but it's all good!) She even looks like a little toddler now, more skinny and long than roly poly baby. And the barrettes that we started wearing a month ago, she's already figured out how to pull them out again...
Last week we took her to Florida again for "Spring Break". Amazingly, she did well again on the flights, despite the trip down being the day after an ice storm and travel day from h---. Only ten hours or so in the airport/on the plane... She was really unbelievably good right up till we landed and were waiting to get off the plane, when I handed her to Glen and she threw up all over him. At least we were there! It seemed like she remembered Grandma and Pop Pop this time, or at least she felt comfortable with them right away. In fact, she adores Pop Pop, and he actually babysat for an evening while Glen and I went out. It was a really nice trip, and I have to say a bit like being at our own personal all-inclusive resort. Pool, daycare, home cooked meals, drinks, and boat rides on site, and the beach and resort pool with tiki bar ten minutes away. Not a bad life! The only snag was it turned out Emma was terrified of the sand! We set her down, and she tried to pull up her little feet, kept her hands raised, cried, and tried to climb up Glen literally till he put her on his shoulder! We tried a couple of times, with no success. Ho
Now we're back home, and my fears that we would have a repeat of last time and have three weeks of sleepless nights turned out to be unfounded. She went happily back into her crib, and even seemed to remember the daycare ladies. Next week: Easter weekend in Chicago! Glen can't take that much time off work, so Emma and I are traveling this one alone. Oh Lord, patience and strenght? Planning, planning, planning, and realizing that no amount of planning will be foolproof once I step out of the house. Kindof looking forward to it to as a challenge, though, too. Perfect mommy syndrome to think I can make it fine? I'll let you know on the flipside whether I ever do that again! :) Still, even if it's horrible, I know my parents are thrilled that we're coming to see them this time. And we'll get to see Aunt Lile and cousin Brenda. I have so many nice memories of Easters as a child, almost like Christmas, waking up to go see what goodies were on the dining room table. I hope we can start making good memories for Emma too.
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