Sunday, May 12, 2019

Mother's Day 2019

Today I...

Got up early to greet my new teenager

Drank my hot chocolate in peace

Had breakfast made by Glen

Mediated a fight between Lissy and Alex over who had more gifts for me

Sliced strawberries and helped bring Discovery breakfast.

Celebrated Emma's birthday at church with the s'mores cake she made

Joined in the whole church singing happy birthday to Emma

Mediated another fight over gifts

Helped Lissy find the flower she lost for me

Got beautiful cards from Lissy and Alex

Watched videos made by Lissy and Alex for me

Cleaned the kitchen after Emma decorated her second cake

Enjoyed Emma's wonderful mac and cheese dinner

Ate Emma's second cake

Cleaned the kitchen again

Cleaned the birthday debris

Got lots of hugs and hugs and hugs

Watched "cardinal reality TV" on Emma's new birdfeeder.  We named four cardinals and a catbird.

Mediated another fight

Got distracted a million times

Finished a book.  Too bad it had a cliffhanger end!  Ordered the next book.  God bless Amazon.

Opened one of Emma's jar of positivity notes.  Laughed.  Alot.

Cleaned the kitchen again.

Ditched cleaning the kitchen in favor of a last hot chocolate.

All is well.  Happy mother's day.